Die letzteiszeitliche Vergletscherung mexikanischer Vulkane als Zeugnis hochglazialer Aridität in Mittelamerika
At La Malinche volcano, central Mexiko, apart from pre-Wisconsindated
moraines the moraines of the last glaciation (Wisconsin)
have ages of about 35,000 - 32,000 yr B.P., 12,000 yr B.P. and
10,000 - 9,000 yr B.P. The La Malinche volcano was not glaciated
during the last glacial maximum (30,000 - 12,000 yr B.P.) because
of ice age aridity. This is in agreement with observations from
the other central Mexican volcanoes. Other paleoclimatic indicators
(lake Sediments, pollen sections etc.) Show more or less arid
and cool conditions during the last glacial maximum, too. The
results suggest that the glaciations of central Mexico should not
be correlated with the North American glacial stratigraphy.
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Dieses Werk steht unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International.