On the Pleistocene Development of the coastal geomorphology in Iceland
Comparative geomorphological studies of
the Coastal areas of South-eastem and
Eastem Iceland to those in the North
show the main topographical landforms
eroded by alpine glaciation and marine
abrasiori Those areas of Iceland which
show predominantly alpine landscape ctre
presented on a map as well as the largest
ones of the Coastal cliffs. Attention is
drawn to the difference in the
development of the Coastal scenery in the
northem and Southern parts of Iceland
especially the formation of strandflat in
the South. This evaluation leads to that
conclusion that the thickness of the
Pleistocene glaciers has been much less
in the Coastal zone of the Southeastem
Iceland than in the North, but there have
always been some ice-free areas during
the glacials following the alpine
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